As I drove home the first day of the new year and pulled the car onto my road and had a quick thought of “Is this the right road?” Under a thin layer of ice my familiar road to home looked just different enough that I didn’t recognize it for a moment and feared I had turned down the wrong road. The tree branches sagged over the road, the still misting sky nearly lavender with fog gave my neighbor’s houses an eerie look as I slowly drove toward home and things came into better view.
It was this moment that God chose to use to help me realize I had done the same thing in life recently. Just a thin layer of ice had changed my perspective so much I wasn’t sure I was on the right road anymore. My familiar path of Christianity had been tainted and I hadn’t even realized it until this moment as I slowly traveled home on the ice.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
A smile spread across my face as I lifted these sins up to my ever loving Father and felt the joy as He lifted them from me and I knew this new year would be just the same in that He would continue forgiving me, love me and growing me just as He has so many others now, but also different in that at this point in my faith walk I am now beginning to feel a new found pressure to pour into others that I haven’t felt before. I am eager to see what this new year will bring but for now I will sit and enjoy the beauty that an icy day can bring and thank my Dad for loving me through my icy behavior of late.
May God bless you this week as you perhaps melt through any ice in our own life.