I love epiphany Sundays!
I mean any day I get a revelation from God is a great day but when it happens on Sunday it’s like double word score!
This past weekend I had one such Sunday.
Bryce was just wrapping up a great message on forgiveness vs. reconciliation and he was reading from Romans 8:35,
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulations, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger or sword?”
when I answered as if asked a question, “Only me.”
We are the only thing that can separate ourselves from God. Now, of course I know we cannot be separated from His love, there is nothing we can do to make God love any less or any more, but we can separate ourselves from God with our forgiveness. All those unrepented moments of each day are pushing us further and further away from His presence.
So I sat there in my pew and i just started forgiving everyone! Silently forgiving every person on my life their faults, their insults, anything and everything I could think of.
I was like Oprah except for cars I was handing out forgiveness and with each one I felt lighter and lighter.
The epiphany H I T…
And I began to forgive myself
I forgave myself for:
Harsh words
And the list went on and on and on until I felt like a million bucks!
Have you been feeling distant from God lately? Ask yourself, “What do you need to forgive others, or yourself, for?”
Have the courage to forgive yourself this week and see how much nearer God feels to you.
God bless you as you dive in,